This is the starting point of the concept. Around them is an unrivaled ergonomics structure.
Only 2 tubs for all your small supplies.
All frequently used small supplies in ID-Tubs thanks to adapted compartments. Optimized compartments, your storage organization.
Clic on dots to learn more.
Supplies that can be stored in a pair of ID-Tubs:
- Filling: etching or other syringes, bonding, composite syringes or PLTs, matrix, wedges, micro applicators, GIC, retraction cords, articulating paper, posts, tips.
- Cementation: dual syringes, cements.
- Endodontics: files, rotary files, endo sealer, irrigation needles & syringes, gutta points, paper points, drills.
- Prophylaxis: polishing paste, polishing brushes.
- Miscellaneous: anaesthesic cartridges, anaesthesic needles, saliva ejectors, IRM or other temp filling, cotton pellets, cotton rolls, dam, 3-1 tips.
A true optimization of the storage space.
3 colors to match with your interior.
Storage as efficient as you can get in dentistry.
One surgery, several activities or dentists by just changing ID-Tubs.
We designed ID-Tubs to put hygiene on top. ID-Tubs are built with different removable components to clean them easily. Therefore, main components can be cleaned in washing disinfector.
- Removable and light, they can easily be brought back to the stock for restocking or to the sterilization room for cleaning.
- Removable interior for a better hygiene.
- All small supplies stored in only 2 tubs.
- Hermetic sealed caps.
- 2 versions: Omni-Pedo / Paro-Endo.
- Sold in pair.